Sunday, June 7, 2009

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with Nintendo?

In the past couple of years Nintendo's little porcelain gaming machine has become the single biggest platform of the generation, and by no small margin, so it continues to baffle me that they do not support the games which they need to enure a stable and long term power base within the gaming sphere.

Titles with genuine depth and originality, of which Nintendo should itself ensure a proper level of market saturation for, are being ignored. Even workers at gaming stores were unaware of the existance of MadWorld the day of it's release, Sega had a hand in this issue, but where was Nintendo? Why have they not come in and helped make sure that everyone knows about games like this?

As the holders to the keys of the kingdom of Wii, why does Nintendo not guarantee titles with this kind of potential a serious television marketing budget? Nintendo continues to make obscene profits, yet it does nothing to secure it's long term viability as a platform.

Titles which have serious potential in the North American and European markets, which have already been releases inside Japan, are being ignored. Reggie Fils-Aime, the head of NOA, has on several occasions responded to this criticism by simply brushing them off, as if the titles are worthless and noone would play them, titles like Fatal Frame IV: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse, and Disaster: Day of Crisis, which both are under Nintendo's publishing control, will never come to North American, because despite the amazingly large sums Nintendo is bringing in, it is unwilling to support anything that isn't entirely focused on it's new, "family," image.

This concept has clearly worked rather well for them, with their Wii Sports title, a tech demo that grew too big for it's britches, being one of the most popular titles the world has ever seen. But it has also been a horrible choice for gaming, because it has put Nintendo into a mindset that things like Wii Music and Wii Fit are the direction in which they should focus, and Wii Music has been the single biggest mistake Nintendo has made since the Virtual Boy.

I seriously question the future of Nintendo if it continues to allow the timid people it currently has in it's lead positions to run the company's assets.

Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All Stars, a Capcom title with serious potential as a fighting game will not have all it's cast from the Japanese version in North America... If I had any control in the North American branch of Nintendo, the instant I heard that I would have looked into how Nintendo could help ensure that Capcom could secure the rights to use these characters, and I would make damned sure that you could not watch Power Rangers, Naruto, Bleach or Megaman without knowing that Tatsunoko vs Capcom was coming.

And where was Nintendo when Winter was looking for a publisher, does Nintendo not have money enough to throw at a survival horror game? Are they uninterested in the genre? With Nintendo's backing, and quality control, Wii would have a Silent Hill style game out and being enjoyed by now. But no, Nintendo is interested in WiiFit Plus and Wii Sports Resort.

It's such a shame that Nintendo seems to be under the control of cowards.